Federal Election
Candidate Forums

The churches of Australia are working together to host “candidate forums” in many electorates for the 2025 Federal Election. Everyone is welcome to attend in person, and each event is planned to be live streamed or recorded for those who cannot make it.

These forums are our opportunity, as the Christians of Australia, to make our voice heard this election.

Search for the forum that is closest to you

Promote at your church or school

Click on a forum below for promotional resources, including powerpoint, newsletter text and flyer.

Current Events

Due to the change in expected election date, forum dates are being re-negotiated with candidates. please check back closer to the forum dates for final details.


Electorate Host Church Date
Bean Southside Bible Church
Fenner Mosaic Baptist Church


Electorate Host Church Date
Banks Transcend Church
Bennelong St Anne's Anglican, Ryde Thu 1 May (TBC)
Blaxland Heartbeat Church Regents Park
Bradfield St Stephen's Anglican, Willoughby
Calare Orange Evangelical Church
Cook Caringbah Baptist Church
Cowper Harbourside Presbyterian Church
Cunningham St Michael's Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong
Dobell Wyong Anglican Church
Eden-Monaro Saint Nicholas Church Sun 23 March
Farrer Albury Presbyterian
Fowler St Luke's Anglican, Liverpool
Gilmore All Saints' Anglican, Nowra
Grayndler Village Church Annandale
Greenway St Clement's Anglican Lalor Park Tue 29 April
Hughes Heathcote Engadine Anglican Church Wed 9 April (TBC)
Hume St Mark's Anglican, Picton
Hunter Singleton Evangelical Church
Lindsay Grace West Anglican Church - Glenmore Park
Macarthur Campbelltown Anglican Church Wed 28 May
Macquarie Kuyper Christian School Wed 30 April (TBC)
McMahon Tyndale Christian School Tue 6 May (TBC)
Mitchell Sydney Saesoon Church
New England Sapphire City - Church on the Corner
Parkes Dubbo Baptist Church
Parramatta St John's Anglican Cathedral, Parramatta
Paterson H2O Baptist Church
Richmond Limitless Church Ballina
Robertson EV Church
Warringah St Mark's Anglican, Freshwater
Watson Sydney Full Gospel Church Tue 8 April (TBC)
Werriwa Hoxton Park Anglican Church
Whitlam St Jude's Anglican


Electorate Host Church Date
Lingiari Alice Springs Baptist Church
Solomon Darwin Baptist Church


Electorate Host Church Date
Blair Journey Church
Bowman Redlands Church of Christ
Brisbane St Paul's Presbyterian
Capricornia Rockhampton Churches Together
Flynn Emerald Uniting Church
Kennedy Empower Church Innisfail
Leichhardt Royals Church - Cairns
Longman Moreton North Church
Maranoa Dalby Christian Family Church
Moreton Graceville Presbyterian Church Thu 24 April (TBC)
Petrie Redcliffe Uniting Church Tue 29 April (TBC)
Ryan Brisbane West Uniting Church


Electorate Host Church Date
Boothby ClearVision Church


Electorate Host Church Date
Bass Door of Hope Christian Church
Braddon Devonport Anglican
Clark Your Church Tasmania
Franklin Citywide Baptist Church Mon 28 April (TBC)
Lyons East Coast Anglican (Online) Mon 28 April


Electorate Host Church Date
Aston CityLife Church - Knox
Bendigo Bendigo Presbyterian Church
Chisholm Crossway Baptist Church
Corangamite City on a Hill Geelong Tue 1 April (TBC)
Corio City on a Hill Geelong Tue 1 April (TBC)
Deakin Crossway Baptist Church
Dunkley Frankston Community Baptist Church North Campus Thu 1 May (TBC)
Hawke Melton Christian College
Indi New Life Chapel Mon 7 April (TBC)
Mallee Harvest Church Horsham
McEwen Plenty Valley Christian College Wed 30 April (TBC)
Monash Drouin Presbyterian Church Tue 6 May (TBC)
Wannon Hamilton Baptist Church Thu 1 May (TBC)


Electorate Host Church Date
Durack Carnarvon Christian School (Online)
Moore Woodvale Baptist Church
O'Connor Narrogin Baptist Church

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Frequently asked questions

A candidate forum is an event held a few weeks before an election where the main candidates for a specific electorate are invited to speak to a group of people and answer their questions. These events are frequently run by issues groups (environment, housing etc) or the local chamber of commerce, and are about getting a specific demographic of people together and giving the politicians the opportunity to speak directly to their concerns.

These forums  are being hosted by the churches of the electorate, to allow politicians to specifically hear the concerns of the Christian community, and give specific and direct responses.

Where possible, all candidates will be invited to speak at the forum. In electorates with a large number of candidates, invitations might need to be limited to give attendees the opportunity to hear in more detail from the candidates most likely to win the electorate or impact the election.

Most forums will spend some of their time asking pre-determined questions, and some of their time taking questions from the attendees.

The organising churches will determine the initial questions and communicate them to the candidates well before the forum. Suggested questions are being developed by the combined heads of churches to reflect the concerns that are common amongst Christians.

The questions from the attendees are usually taken through an online question portal, to allow live-stream viewers to also ask their questions.

The forum is being hosted by a group of churches from the electorate. Everyone is welcome to come.

Do you have any other questions?

Authorised by Mike Southon, Freedom for Faith, 168 Chalmers St, Surry Hills NSW